Foreign Workers
The subject of foreign workers is heating up in the U.S. right now, and has been a hot topic in Canada in recent years. Local workers often see foreign workers as cheap labourers who take away their jobs. Employers see foreign workers as a way to find scarce skills and cut costs. As is common in debates, both sides are partially right and partially wrong. In a simple but flawed view of the world, there is a fixed set of jobs available in a country, and workers compete for these jobs. With this way of thinking, when a foreign worker gets a job, that’s one less job available for local workers, and when a foreign worker leaves (or any worker retires), there’s one more job available to local workers. This way of thinking is reasonable for most jobs, but it’s wrong for the most skilled positions. There are only so many highly skilled people to go around. These workers help make businesses succeed. They create more jobs than the one job they occupy....