Will Your Nest Egg Last if You Retire Today?
If you’re thinking of retiring today on your own savings rather than a guaranteed pension, how do you factor in the possibility of a stock market crash? If you’re like many people, you just hope that stocks will keep ticking along with at least average returns. However, this isn’t the way I thought about timing my own retirement. I retired in mid 2017. At the time, stock prices were high, so I assumed that the day after retiring, the stock market would drop about 25% or so, and then it would produce slightly below average returns thereafter. By some people’s estimations, I over-saved, but I didn’t want to end up running out of money in my 70s and be forced to find work at a tiny fraction of my former pay. What actually happened in the 4+ years since I retired was the opposite of a stock market crash. My stocks have risen a total of 60% (11.5% compounded annually when measured in Canadian dollars). If I had known what was going to happen, I could have ...