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Short Takes: Fact-Resistant Humans, Financial Makeover, and more

I managed only one post in the past two weeks looking at the Air Miles fiasco:

Thousand-Foot View of Air Miles

Here are some short takes and some weekend reading:

The New Yorker cracked me up with a piece on “fact-resistant humans.” There’s not much of a connection to money, but it’s a good read nonetheless.

Mr. Money Mustache does an interesting case study of a young man’s finances and spending. A great quote: “it is impossible to out-earn the habit of spending all your money.”

Potato discusses the problem of companies such as Valeant and Nortel growing to dominate Canadian stock indexes. It’s true that when such companies topple, they bring the index down. But the flip side is that when they soar, they bring the index up. It’s only market timers who are harmed over the long run by stocks that inflate and deflate.

Million Dollar Journey looks into tax-efficient non-registered investments for children.

Canadian Couch Potato continues his series on “smart beta” with a look at the size factor.

My Own Advisor has a good list of ways to ruin your retirement plan.

Big Cajun Man goes through some financial priorities that come ahead of RESP contributions.

The Blunt Bean Counter analyzes income tax concerns for Olympic athletes and NHL players.

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  1. It was when I was talking to someone who told me they were having problems making RESP deposits because they were still paying off their student loans?!?! have a great weekend!

  2. re: "It’s only market timers who are harmed over the long run by stocks that inflate and deflate."

    Considering the fact that most pension funds, without question, buy the stocks of the companies which dominate the Canadian market, it's these funds, as well as the enrolees, who will also be harmed. Not to mention the company employees should they be recipients of stock options and the company goes bust. Neither group -- pensioner or employee -- are market timers.

    1. @SST: You're describing people who have no idea that they (or others on their behalf) are engaging in market timing. Sadly, you can be a market timer even if you don't know your money is involved in market timing.

  3. It is surprising how many folks I read about that talk about paying off their student loans AND putting money in their kids' RESPs? Something ain't right there.


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