Value of a Public Service Pension

At one time I considered taking a job with the federal government. I had a competing offer in the private sector and set about comparing them based on various factors such as how much I’d enjoy the work, the commute, and total pay. A tricky part was placing a value on a public service pension. The value of a pension is very sensitive to the investment return we assume. Let’s look at a simple example of a government worker: – Starts work at age 23 making $40,000 per year – Works for 35 years – Retires at age 58 with an indexed pension of 70% of best 5 years average salary – Pension is reduced by the amount of CPP benefits starting at age 65 – For first 20 years working receives raises of inflation + 4% – For final 15 years working receives raises of just inflation – Lives in retirement for 25 years until age 83 With the details in this example, we can calculate what percentage of this worker’s salary would have to be saved from each pay to cover the pension benefits. Of c...