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Short Takes: Investment Pre-Mortem and more

Here are my posts for the past two weeks:

Reader Question: Market Participation Rate

What Happens to My CPP if I Die Early?

Here are some short takes and some weekend reading:

Jason Zweig suggests a “pre-mortem” to assess your investments before the next panic.

A Wealth of Common Sense gives us some excellent Charlie Munger quotes. In one he says that only the top 3% or 4% of the investment management industry will have good records because the market is mostly efficient.

Big Cajun Man explains how auto-loading your loyalty card can work out badly if someone manages to clone your card.

Canadian Couch Potato explains how planning to ease into the stock market can lead to paralysis if you start thinking about whether now is a good time.

Boomer and Echo takes a Louis C.K.-inspired poke at the excuses we use for not doing the right things with our finances.

My Own Advisor is among the few honest investors in individual stocks when he says “I actually don’t review financial statements or read the daily business news on these companies.” I’ve known many stock pickers who say they’ve done their “due diligence” or “DD,” but very few even bother to look at annual reports and financial statements.

Million Dollar Journey reviews BMO InvestorLine.

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  1. The easier they make it to spend your money, the easier it becomes for evil folk to be able to hack the system (it seems). Thanks for the mention.

  2. I've read a few in the past, many in the past, but I honestly can't keep up with 30+. Besides, reports by nature are historical, they are not a crystal ball by any means!

    Lastly, I try to be point in lying in life!

    Thanks for the mention Michael and enjoy your weekend.


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