Spinning the TFSA Increase
I’m not strongly for or against the TFSA limit increase announced in the latest federal budget ( pdf here ). However, the attempted spin in the budget document makes me laugh. As Larry MacDonald observed , the budget writers tried to counter the idea that a TSFA increase mainly benefits the rich by saying “about 60 per cent of the individuals contributing the maximum amount to their TFSAs had incomes of less than $60,000.” The first thing to observe here is that being rich is only indirectly about income. It’s really about how much money you have. I’d rather have a million dollars and an income of $50,000 than be in the hole a million dollars and have an income of $100,000. The truth is that the people who will benefit the most from a TFSA increase are those who already have significant non-registered assets, regardless of their incomes. Even if we look at wealth in terms of income, I expect that my wife and I will likely each have incomes under $60,000 in retirement. But we...