Short Takes: Youth Football, Diversification Still Works, and more
I had a full week of posts: Treating Your Entire Portfolio like a RRIF in Retirement A Portfolio with 3 Different Returns Stocks for the Long Run Retirement Spending Experiment You can follow me on Twitter now ( @MJonMoney ). Here are some short takes and some weekend reading: The Atlantic has a very thoughtful (and likely controversial) take on youth football. The money in professional football blinds us to the damage young men do to themselves seeking a slice of the pie. Some of the same concerns carry over to youth hockey and basketball, both of which are more violent (and physically damaging) than they were when I was young. Canadian Couch Potato has a very interesting way of showing that diversification works, despite what some say. Andrew Hallam shows that some major RBC actively-managed mutual funds don’t fare well when their 10-year returns are compared to benchmarks. Big Cajun Man says that if you haven’t started saving for retirement by the time you h...