Short Takes: Advisors as Fiduciaries and more

Here are my posts for the week:

Fight Back

Investment Survey Troubles

Expanded CPP and Debt

Here are my short takes and some weekend reading:

Anita Anand and John Chapman at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law explain in this short article why investment advisors should be fiduciaries. They say that current Canadian laws in this area are “a mess.” Thanks to Ken Kivenko for pointing me to this one.

Where Does All My Money Go? says you shouldn’t take up a bank’s offer to take a payment holiday.

Canadian Couch Potato shreds claims made by a mutual fund company in their ad.

Big Cajun Man lays out the reasons why some parents are pushed toward sending their kids to a private school.

The Blunt Bean Counter brings us a detailed look at the ins and outs of tax-loss selling.

My Own Advisor calls for clawing back Old Age Security at lower income levels. His reasoning is that it makes no sense for working-class Canadians to subsidize the lifestyles of upper-middle class retirees.

Financial Crooks investigates the fine points of getting trading commissions at RBC lowered from $28.95 to $9.95.


  1. Thanks for the mention. Have a great weekend.


  2. I bet U of T law students could run some interesting 'test cases' in class about investment advisors/mutual fund dealers who put little old ladies into hedge funds!

    And thanks again.


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