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Short Takes: Real Business, Personal Finance Conference, and more

Tom Bradley at Steadyhand makes a great observation that too few new stocks listed on the TSX are for companies that actually create products as opposed to financial listings that just slice and dice other equities.

Big Cajun Man gives an overview of the panel discussion held at the 2013 Canadian Personal Financial Conference. I was pleased to serve on the panel and I plan to write a few posts that expand on my answers to the panel questions.

My Own Advisor calls out some financial prophets for their bad predictions.

Where Does All My Money Go? interviews Alyssa Richard, founder and CEO of

The Blunt Bean Counter explains 5 ways to make charitable donations and the tax implications of each.

Potato found a funny creative outlet for his frustration over sitting on hold waiting for the start of a teleconference. This resonated with me because I frequently wait for teleconferences that never begin.

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  1. Michael, thx for link. Maybe after hearing your speak at the conference, you should be in charge of Cdn's money :)

  2. One more link for you, Michael.

    It's an example of applying your top investing question: How much does my portfolio cost me in fees?

    1. @Gene: That`s a very good example. Kudos to Andrew Allentuck for that article.

  3. Thanks for the mention.

    I think Michael would make a great CFO.

  4. Thanks Michael, I never thought that post would even get read, let alone linked... oh, and the moderator totally stood us up. It never started.


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