Short Takes: Misguided Loyalty and more
I wrote three posts this week: Hertz in the Currency Exchange Business Dan Solin on Investing Return Expectations Here are my picks for some weekend reading along with some of my short takes: Tom Bradley at Steadyhand sees too many investors with a misguided sense of loyalty to their financial advisors. I suspect this is partially a case of investors not really understanding how much they pay their advisors. Many of us would buy an unwanted $5 box of Girl Guide cookies from a niece to avoid the awkwardness of saying no, but few of us would pay thousands just to avoid a mildly unpleasant situation. But investors do pay thousands per year for their financial advice whether they realize it or not. The Blunt Bean Counter explains some of the problems you can run into when transferring property among family members. Canadian Couch Potato brings some clear thinking about timing your entry into the market. Money Smarts reviews the discount brokerage Qtrade. Big Cajun ...