Getting a Handle on the Cost of Cars
I’ve seen the cost of cars broken down to the cost per kilometer of driving, and I’ve seen it broken down to cost per year. However, neither approach seems to measure costs in the way I want. So, I set out to figure out how to model the cost of my car. I want a better idea of what it costs to have a car and how much it costs to drive it. I began by recording all my car costs in the following categories: – Purchase price – Fuel – Maintenance and repairs – Licensing – Insurance I recorded the month of each cost so that I could use historical Consumer Price Index figures to adjust for inflation. For example, to adjust a cost of $100 in January 2010 when the CPI was 115.1 to March of this year (CPI 122.9), calculate ($100/115.1)*122.9 = $106.78. Then I added up the adjusted costs in each category to get the totals in today’s dollars. The big question is what to do with this data at this point. One possibility is to work out the cost per kilometer. But this seems misle...