A Guaranteed Yield of 20%!
Inspired by a reader comment on Canadian Capitalist’s article about covered-call exchange traded funds, I’ve decided to make an offer to select investors. I will guarantee payments each year amounting to 20% of the average daily balance in each investor’s account. The idea for this investing approach was sparked by the savvy comments of STU L comparing covered call ETFs to regular ETFs: “I’ll take the income, thank you. The capital gain/loss is unimportant as I’ll hold these stocks indefinitely. 2.25% or +10%? it’s a no brainer decision. I wanted to setup some kind of cash generator portfolio or ATM and these coverd-call ETF’s filled the bill. Everyone gets all weird about the hi yields but have they noticed that more and more companies are bringing out their own call option funds. That says something in itself.” STU correctly points out that 10% is, in fact, more than 2.25%. STU is also right that many companies are coming out with covered call funds, which means that they mu...