Short Takes: Budget Edition
National Post has a good summary of the latest federal budget . They include actual numbers to give the changes some meaning. Those who want more detail can check out the actual budget document . The Blunt Bean Counter breaks down the Ontario budget measures that affect personal and corporate income taxes. Retire Happy Blog compares active and passive investing and looks at the long-term effects of fund fees. Where Does All My Money Go? has a cool interactive motion chart to illustrate investing returns since 1970. Big Cajun Man has an amusing strategy to cut down on wedding costs for his daughters. My Own Advisor shares his strategy for paying himself first to build his emergency savings. Million Dollar Journey runs through the costs of owning a pet. You can put me in the camp of people who think that the costs are nuts. People are free to spend their money as they wish, but you won’t catch me spending thousands on a cat or dog. Many years ago I read an analysis ...