Short Takes: Buying Tax Losses, Mortgage Pre-Payment Rules before Discharge, and more
1. Larry MacDonald described a scheme to eliminate your income taxes by buying tax losses from companies . I wouldn’t try this myself for fear that it would be disallowed for some reason, but it is interesting. 2. Canadian Mortgage Trends has some good advice about pre-paying a mortgage before discharging it . 3. Preet argues that when it comes to measuring the performance of mutual fund managers as stock-pickers, the index is too high a standard . His focus is on the manager’s stock-picking ability rather than whether the mutual fund in question is a good investment. 4. Canadian Financial DIY reviews the new . 5. Big Cajun Man got a good rant going about troubles with his PC MasterCard . 6. Million Dollar Journey addresses the question of whether students should contribute to an RRSP . 7. Money Smarts had an uplifting post about how work kills a piece of his soul every day . I’ve had days like that. I think my soul regenerates, though.