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Short Takes: Flu Shot Edition

I got my flu shot Thursday. Actually, I got two shots: one for the H1N1 (swine) flu and the other for the “regular” seasonal flu. I only planned on getting the swine flu shot, but the young man I first encountered was a good salesman. The whole process took 25 minutes, including filling out a form, standing in line briefly, getting the shots, and waiting the mandatory 15 minutes to make sure I didn’t have some sort of reaction. Apparently, the long lines have dwindled and the bracelet system isn’t needed any more in my community. So far the shots hurt less than the standard tetanus booster.

1. Who knew there were so many ways to calculate the return on a portfolio? Preet answers a reader question about the Modified Dietz return calculation.

2. Canadian Financial DIY shows how ETF investors can do some tax loss selling while maintaining their asset allocations.

3. Big Cajun Man thinks that the TD Bank is daring him to find another lender with lower interest rates.

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  1. I'm not sure I am going to take the dare, but we shall see. I hope to pay them off one day and THEN I'll show them!!!

    Have a prosperous weekend.

  2. Thanks for the link Michael. Glad to say that I don't have to do much tax loss selling this year!

  3. Thanks for the link and your two cents on Modified Dietz!


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