Friday, February 20, 2009

Short Takes: Free HDTV and more

1. Million Dollar Journey tells us how to get free HDTV in Canada legally.

2. Gail Vaz-Oxlade tells us the difference between living within your means and doing without (in a post no longer online). The distinction is crucial. We need to find a way to enjoy life within our means. If we think in terms of doing without we’ll eventually break down and spend. The same applies to the food we eat. It’s important to find a way to eat that is satisfying and doesn’t have us gain weight. Doing without enough food isn’t sustainable.

3. Preet’s continued discussion of fee-only versus fee-based financial planners generated quite a few comments.

4. The Big Cajun Man hosted the Carnival of Personal Finance that included my article Teenager Jobs that Pay Well.


  1. Thanks for the mention, have a swell weekend.

  2. Thanks for the link Michael!

  3. MJ
    You'll have to rename your blog Toby Maguire on Money -- did you see Preet B's Friday round-up?
    PS, as always thanks for the link.

  4. Larry: Yes, I saw it. I don't mind comparisons like that when they are flattering to me!

  5. Thanks for the mention! Hope you had a great weekend.
