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Rogers Cable Makes Me an Offer

My family uses Rogers Cable for TV and internet, but we still use Bell for our telephone. Both companies work hard to get us to bundle all three services together. I’ve discussed the offers from Bell here and here, and now it’s Rogers’ turn.

The mailing we received from Rogers isn’t just a generic mailing; it is addressed to us and contains specific details of which services we already pay for. Apparently, we can bundle Rogers telephone service in with everything else for $149/month, “all monthly service fees included.”

This is only $5.27/month more than we pay right now which makes it seem like a great deal. There must be a catch, right? After reading further it turns out that there is more than one catch.

I’m guessing that the $149 figure doesn’t include sales taxes. This makes the added cost of phone service close to $20/month. The list of services we currently have seems to be missing a service that costs close to $20, and so we’re up to about $40/month extra for the phone service. This is still a savings over what we’re paying Bell, but I have little confidence that $40 is actually the final figure.

Maybe if I spent the time to check on all these details, I’d find that I really can save some money switching to Rogers phone service. And maybe if I chase rainbows, I’d find a pot of gold. If anyone has investigated these offers more carefully, I’m interested in hearing about it.

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  1. You are far too analytical, you must be a dance major!

    OK, so take all of your phone bills and put them in a box for the next ten years and then come back and see how much money you would have saved if you had simply decided to not buy a phone...

  2. One of my first blog posts was about Rogers home phone ads. I still get at minimum, one a week. That post is getting a little dated, but the basic premise is the same: Rogers charges one rate across all of Ontario for home phone, whereas Bell varies by city. If you happen to live in a cheaper city, Bell makes more sense, even with the bundling discount. If you like your add-ons (call waiting, call display, call answer, etc.), then Rogers can come out ahead because they charge less per add-on.

    Personally, I demand something better than breakeven from Rogers to switch because their phones work over the cable network, and will only last as long as the backup battery does in the event of a power outage (8 hr?).

  3. My company ( has built a business around a strategy of "If you don't ask, you won't get". Specifically in regards to the three major telecom providers in Canada (BELL, Rogers, and TELUS). Knowing what to ask for, and simply asking for it has saved my clients on average 35% on their monthly cellular expenses. Imagine a company with 50 cell phones?

    Now is a great time to take a look at all of the contracts you have with your vendors. What does it hurt to simply ask? You have nothing to lose.


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